These are a collection of exercises in minimal surfaces, most of which are taken from “A Course in Minimal Surfaces” by Colding and Minicozzi. I am still adding to this document, so please feel free to contact me if you find any errors.
Read MoreThe Monotonicity Formula for Energy Minimizing Maps and Monotone Quantities
Detailed proof of the monotonicity formula for energy minimizing maps and a discussion of the density function and monotone quanities.
Read MoreCurvature, Stability, and Scalar Rigidity in Minimal Surface Theory
This is the outline for a talk delivered on Feburary 21st, 2025 at the Rutgers student operated Grad Analysis Seminar.
Read MoreHardy Spaces are Banach Spaces
The following is a short presentation on Hardy Spaces for MATH507 - Functional Analysis with Professor Maxime Van de Moortel. The presentation includes a brief introduction to H^p spaces and a proof that H^p is a Banach space for all p from 1 to infinity.
Read MoreA Collection of Exercises from Real Analysis II
The following exercises are an assortment of homework problems from MATH 502 - Theory of Functions of a Real Variable II with Professor Dennis Kriventsov at Rutgers University. Topics include Radon Measures, weak convergence, Haar measures, Fourier analysis, PDEs, distributions, and probability theory.
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